Delivering a Connected Northolt
What is it?
Addressing poor connectivity, congestion, road safety and air quality is a priority for local people. Ealing Council and Transport for London have secured over £7.2m central government funding to deliver active travel improvements to the Church / Mandeville Road and Ealing/ Kensington Road corridors, bringing benefits for all road users.
Find out more about this funding.
Addressing poor connectivity, congestion, road safety and air quality is a priority for local people. Ealing Council and Transport for London have secured over £7.2m central government funding to deliver active travel improvements to the Church / Mandeville Road and Ealing/ Kensington Road corridors, bringing benefits for all road users.
Find out more about this funding.

Delivering a Cleaner Northolt:
Future Neighbourhood Strategy
What is it?
Ensuring that Northolt is a clean and resilient environment is important to local people. In 2022, Ealing Council and local partners secured support from the Mayor of London to develop a ‘Future Neighbourhood Strategy’ for Northolt. This explored local ideas to reduce waste, pollution and carbon, and create new jobs in the green economy.
View the Future Neighbourhood Strategy
Ensuring that Northolt is a clean and resilient environment is important to local people. In 2022, Ealing Council and local partners secured support from the Mayor of London to develop a ‘Future Neighbourhood Strategy’ for Northolt. This explored local ideas to reduce waste, pollution and carbon, and create new jobs in the green economy.
Delivering a Cleaner Northolt:
The Green Ring
What is it?
In 2023, we secured funding from the Mayor of London’s Green and Resilient Spaces fund to implement this strategy and deliver the ‘Green Ring’ - a new 6.3km walking and cycling route that connects and celebrates Northolt’s green spaces.
There will be a series of greening projects along the route, including park improvements and new seasonal ponds in Belvue Park to reduce flooding. This is financially supported by Thames Water and the Ashara Mubaraka London Event, as a part of its lasting legacy and contribution to Northolt. The Green Ring is further supported by local partners including Belvue High School and the Canal & River Trust.
Find out more about the Green Ring
In 2023, we secured funding from the Mayor of London’s Green and Resilient Spaces fund to implement this strategy and deliver the ‘Green Ring’ - a new 6.3km walking and cycling route that connects and celebrates Northolt’s green spaces.
There will be a series of greening projects along the route, including park improvements and new seasonal ponds in Belvue Park to reduce flooding. This is financially supported by Thames Water and the Ashara Mubaraka London Event, as a part of its lasting legacy and contribution to Northolt. The Green Ring is further supported by local partners including Belvue High School and the Canal & River Trust.
Numerous engagement events and surveys were carried out in 2023 and 2024, and the Green Ring is starting to deliver.
View the Summer 2024 exhibition boards
Works on Belvue wetlands are planned to begin in October 2024, with future planting days and workshops planned for the community.
Details to follow.
Details to follow.
The Fourth Court
What is it?
The Fourth Court is a site on the Racecourse Estate that consists of numerous storage sheds surrounding an open court. Following recommendations of the Racecourse Together project below, the Fourth Court project looks to reimagine the court for new community use, bringing together local residents in a productive, exciting and multi-operational space. Through extensive engagement with locals, stakeholders and Ealing Council officers, a RIBA Stage 2 concept design report was completed by architect Alison Crawshaw and team. Read the report below for more information.
The Fourth Court is a site on the Racecourse Estate that consists of numerous storage sheds surrounding an open court. Following recommendations of the Racecourse Together project below, the Fourth Court project looks to reimagine the court for new community use, bringing together local residents in a productive, exciting and multi-operational space. Through extensive engagement with locals, stakeholders and Ealing Council officers, a RIBA Stage 2 concept design report was completed by architect Alison Crawshaw and team. Read the report below for more information.
Northolt Public Art Research Strategy - Research Report
What is it?
The Public and Community Art Strategy is an initiative aimed at identifying opportunities for art and creative projects in Northolt that align with the Visions for Northolt project.
This strategy explores how public and community art can embed the aspirations of local people and draw on the creative talent of emerging and established art practitioners, while delivering on the guiding principles developed for the wider Visions for Northolt project.
The Public and Community Art Strategy is an initiative aimed at identifying opportunities for art and creative projects in Northolt that align with the Visions for Northolt project.
This strategy explores how public and community art can embed the aspirations of local people and draw on the creative talent of emerging and established art practitioners, while delivering on the guiding principles developed for the wider Visions for Northolt project.
Racecourse Together
What is it?
Local people said that creating safe and attractive places for the community to come together is important. In 2022, we started working with residents to explore what this could mean for the Racecourse Estate.
In September 2023, we launched community grants of up to £77,000 to turn these ideas into a reality. See more details on the grants and wider work here.
Local people said that creating safe and attractive places for the community to come together is important. In 2022, we started working with residents to explore what this could mean for the Racecourse Estate.
In September 2023, we launched community grants of up to £77,000 to turn these ideas into a reality. See more details on the grants and wider work here.
Racecourse Together - Floating Community Room
What is it?
Visions for Northolt has launched the Floating Community Room Programme to bring together local people and activate existing community spaces across the Racecourse Estate.
The programme has been kick started by a round of grant funding of up to £77,000 for locals. Click below to find out more.
Floating Community Room and Network
Visions for Northolt has launched the Floating Community Room Programme to bring together local people and activate existing community spaces across the Racecourse Estate.
The programme has been kick started by a round of grant funding of up to £77,000 for locals. Click below to find out more.
Art Stops and High Street Signage Competitions
What is it?
Local people want to see more public art and culture in the area. We are working with 5 local creatives and Northolt High School to deliver temporary art works and high street signage across the Northolt area.
Art Stops were successfully installed in September 2023 and High Street Signage, partnered with local schools, is due to follow.
Learn more about Art StopsLocal people want to see more public art and culture in the area. We are working with 5 local creatives and Northolt High School to deliver temporary art works and high street signage across the Northolt area.
Art Stops were successfully installed in September 2023 and High Street Signage, partnered with local schools, is due to follow.

Delivering a Thriving Northolt
What is it?
Creating thriving and connected high streets with a diverse range of uses is a top priority for local people. The 20-minute neighbourhood concept invites us to imagine diverse high streets, with local jobs, services and amenities within walking or cycling distance of our homes.
A plan of action to grow and enhance Northolt’s High Streets is being co-developed with local businesses and communities, based on the 20-minute neighbourhood approach.
View the draft document
Creating thriving and connected high streets with a diverse range of uses is a top priority for local people. The 20-minute neighbourhood concept invites us to imagine diverse high streets, with local jobs, services and amenities within walking or cycling distance of our homes.
A plan of action to grow and enhance Northolt’s High Streets is being co-developed with local businesses and communities, based on the 20-minute neighbourhood approach.